Last week I shared with you guys my Mickey Themed Bathroom and the feedback was amazing. I'm back this week with an extension of last weeks post! We're heading down the road to DIY. I had added some DIYed items in my bathroom and I wanted to share the process! The Mickey Topiary was actually something I had pinned just for fun. I never thought I would make it until I went on a Hobby Lobby run. I was doing my usual rounds around the store and saw the greenery pictured below. My jaw dropped. It was simply meant to be. I grabbed 3 of them (of course!) and then headed towards the registers. To be honest with you, these are a little pricier than I like my DIYs to be. I was fortunate enough to purchase these during a spring sale that discounted each one 40 or 50 percent. My advice to you is get them separately so you can use the coupon each time. I also did a similar Mickey topiary that was more affordable and you can find it here. Okay so I blabbed enough. Let's get to the fun stuff.
What you need:
- Pail
- White paper or foam
- Zip ties
- Scissors
- Hot glue gun
I added two images to show the pricing of the greenery from Hobby Lobby and then I included the other supplies in the next image. The rest of the items cost under a dollar apart from the scissors and glue. The pail is actually from Party City for only 97 cents and the best part is they have it in every color. I went with red because its classic. The zip ties were from the 99 Cent Only Store. I forgot to include the white foam pieces for the buttons. That can really be anything you have laying around, yes computer paper works perfectly!
First I grabbed the longest zip ties. I decided I would just trim the excess zip tie after I was done.
Next, I went through the small greenery netting on the inside and then I put it through the larger one. I pulled really tight so it would be secure and cut the excess tie. I repeated these steps for the second ear.
Topiary is complete! Next, we focus on the pail!
As mentioned before, the buttons don't necessarily have to be foam. I went with what I had at the moment which was glitter foam from Hobby Lobby. Computer paper will do the trick. Just use a cap or prescription bottle to trace two circles. On this project, I had used my circle cutter. Again, you don't have to get so fancy. I have these things lying around so I took advantage of it! I glued them down and Wah-la!
Then I stacked the completed topiary to the pail. I would like to add that the greenery is a bit top heavy. My advice is to add something with weight on the inside. I used marbles, again another thing I have lying around haha. My suggestion is to use whatever works for you and saves you the most money!
I recently made a Land of the Living pair of ears (WDW ride) and it paired perfectly with my DIY topiary and Galatic Garden Arts planter. These were a custom so they are no longer available.
1 comment
Love the bucket!! You did a great job! Thanks for sharing ❤️